The Daily Adventures of Kelly


Good morning, Starshine. The Earth says, "Hello."

It's like swallowing shards of glass...

Strep Throat. Dun dun duuunnnn.

I spent the majority of my evening in the ER with Cam. He came down with sudden chills, a temp of 102 and he was red all over. I was sure he had the dreaded Swine Flu...I'm sorry 2009 H1N1. So I waited with baited breath as they took the giant cotton swab they had just used to poke his brains with to the testing area. Aaaannnddd....nope, not the flu. Phew. Maybe pneumonia? Maybe. But the nurse practitioner insisted we do the strep test. So she shoved another q-tip through the back of his throat. Gag city. And before the timer could even go off, it was a super big positive for strep. We didn't even bother with the chest x-ray because the antibiotics for the strep will knock out the pneumonia anyway.

So one condescending triage nurse, one talkative nurse and one super sweet nurse practitioner later and we were on our way. To the containment room we go.


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