The Daily Adventures of Kelly


Good morning, Starshine. The Earth says, "Hello."


It's been a week for things that stump me. Let me share:

  • A. Uggs with capris. It just isn't right. In any circumstance.
  • B. The guy who sits next to me in class. I'm convinced he has some kind of fiery crotch disease. He squirms, itches his crotch, squirms some more and then pops some pills. And then if he gets too squirmy he gets up and leaves class. Maybe to itch that fiery crotch.
  • C. Have my kids been living in a cave? Cam told me yesterday that his friend gets to ride in a "Tusseedo" to a wedding. A what? Oh. A tuxedo. Then I had to explain what that was. Who doesn't know what a tuxedo is? My kids apparently.
  • D. The unbelievable amount of parents that don't buckle their kids into the car...or themselves for that matter. Who does that? Buckle up! Click it or ticket, kids.
  • E. Diet soda. Why does it have to taste like ass? All I ask is for some Mt. Dew that isn't filled with calories.'s not even worth it to drink that ass-like phosphorus green diet crap.
  • F. Where am I going to get my music from? Being a student has totally cramped my spending allowance lifestyle. I can't even buy music anymore. And I'm in a panic. I need music. But I'm too paranoid to do it illegally.
  • G. And finally-Algebra. I give in. I quit. I'm going to have to go back to the beginning. My ass is going to be sitting in Intro to Algebra next semester. Bastard.


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